Getting ready to flip the switch on an updated site. Within the next few days I’ll move from Posterous to a self-hosted WordPress blog. Don’t get too excited, though. Although it’ll have a redesigned look, it’ll feel about the same. It’s easy to go overboard with WordPress, but I think it’s important to keep this site simple, not only because of its basic concept, but because I don’t want to find myself knee-deep in code every time some 3rd-party widget mysteriously breaks.
It’s funny to think that my childhood exposure to comedy legends like Lucille Ball and Andy Griffith was constantly interspersed with cheesy regional celebritards like The Credit Man, who–unlike my favorite stars–probably still roams the earth, driving his Mercedes with peripheral vision and grinning like an idiot.
My coworker was envious of the self-caricature on my edit room door, so I left this for him tonight. I’ll let you know if he’s still speaking to me.
This week’s drawing class focused on heads. It really helped to have a model with a short haircut. She has a raccoon-eye because I had to reposition it slightly, and I’m still not swift enough to carry white-out with me. Appropriately enough, it was probably my last class before I head off to Florence to paint a portrait in a 2-week workshop at the Angel Art Academy. Clearly I’m in a little over my head (hmm), but I’ll have a full week to do the initial drawing, rather than 20 minutes.
The novelty of painting with the iPad still hasn’t worn off for me. Not a very interesting composition; I got bored and forewent adding people (although this has the feel of an animation background).