Featured image of post Blah Blah Obamacare Blah God Bless America

Blah Blah Obamacare Blah God Bless America

For a person like me who has little interest in politics, conventions are like waterboarding. Four-plus hours of vapid generic speeches leaves a little time to doodle, which I did on that Samsung tablet that’s been lying around the office. Not my most dead-on caricatures, but hey, they took about a minute each. Can you tell who they are?

Featured image of post One Dad Down, One to Go

One Dad Down, One to Go

Not that I’m done painting my dad, but if you remember my Florence posts, I’m about done with “first painting” on him. If I skip second painting, it’ll look pretty good, but I think the source photo is great, so I want to put in a little extra work and make this look good!

Featured image of post Perpetual Commuters

Perpetual Commuters

Love my bus-stop adjacent window seat at the Coffee Bean, but I think it’s time I found a new spot (or several) to mix up my gesture drawings.

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