Here’s two sketches from last night’s brainstorming session. I was thinking of displaying most New Yorkers, from the protagonist’s perspective, as shrouded in shadow. Conversely, the little connections he makes, like helping a tourist, are as clear as day. I kinda like the idea, but I fear that the dark vs. light thing will seem to imply that the character is morose. What I’m really trying to express is turning inward vs.
But hey, at least they’re ideas! That’s the real value of this class, is that it locks me in a room and forces me to be creative for a few hours. I just need to find a way to do that more than once a week.
Nothing like brainstorming with a bowl of wine and glass of minestrone.
Talk about a low-pressure caricature–it’s a guy you’d never recognize! This here is O Henry, consummate writer of short stories who produced his best-loved tales while based in New York City. One of my favorites is “The Making of a New Yorker,” because, despite being over a century old, it perfectly describes the characteristics that define New Yorkers to this day: superficially inscrutable and selfish, but interconnected at heart. Don’t let me spoil it for you; give it a read!
This guy (who looks like he may have gotten his hand caught in the garbage disposal) is throwing something. While looking through a text file of ideas from over the years, I came across a bit of imagery I’m considering building my graphic novel upon. What’s he throwing, exactly? You’ll just have to wait for the comic book!