Admittedly not my greatest sketch of Dad, but this plastic table covering wasn’t the greatest surface to apply ink to. Once I saw it was just pooling I decided to smear it around. The steak and fries were awesome, by the way.
Quick iPad sketch of my dad in his natural habitat, falling asleep in front of the TV!
Actually, I finished it last night. 1 day to spare=new record (usually it’s hours or minutes).
Ha, and you thought I’d just been slacking. No, I’ve been working on a little video project. Wait, is it slacking when you have a whole year to edit a video and you wait until the last four days? Crap.
Just in case I keep up with my trend of not posting every day, here’s a topical sketch that will work all Kentucky Derby/Cinco De Mayo weekend! But seriously, I’m a little embarrassed about failing to pick up my drawing utensils lately. Rest assured I’ll be back in el saddle soon.