You know it’s cold when all the figure models in town are posing in leotards, tights, and scarves! This was drawn on my latest impulse purchase, the Toshiba Encore Write 2. It’s sort of a poor cheap man’s Cintiq Companion. Or, to those that don’t geek out about this stuff, it’s a small tablet PC on which you can draw. it runs full-fledged software (such as Manga Studio, which I already bought for my Mac), and the pen is much more precise than anything I can buy for my iPad.
As seen at every bar tonight.
The niece plots her next move.
It’s hard to believe I’ve been taking the same Saturday morning art class for over 3 years (with a few breaks here and there). One of the recurring homework assignments is a self-portrait–mirrors only, no photos! For this one I tried something new to me: “Inktense” colored pencils. You basically draw as you would with dry pencils, then go over the colors with a wet brush to produce a watercolor effect.